I Ponder If I Have This Right

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Sometimes identified as the Forgotten Folk, Gnomes are small however busy half-sized humanoids who thrive at cultivating tight communities but relish in the delights of life, adventure, invention, and celebration. Reaching lengths of sometimes 500 years of age, a Gnome is usually good-natured and lawful, and sometimes present in clever professions, resembling scholar, inventory, sage, and builder. Gnomes who discover themselves a bit more wild are tricksters and principally harmless.

A monstrous race from Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Lizardfolk possess an enigmatic mindset pushed by different goals than the "softskin" humanoids they typically frightened. Whereas largely ignoring jewels and riches, Lizardfolk discover great satisfaction in omnivorous eating and often drop what they are doing to sniff out meals. Uninterested in battle ways, Lizardfolk stormed the battlefield chaotically as individuals among their tribe, preferring forcing their targets to the water, where they adeptly swim.

When the acquainted drops to 0 hit factors, it disappears, forsaking no physical form. It reappears after you solid this spell again. As an motion, you may quickly dismiss the familiar to a pocket dimension. Alternatively, you may dismiss it ceaselessly. As an motion whereas it's briefly dismissed, you may cause it to reappear in any unoccupied house within 30 feet of you. Each time the familiar drops to zero hit factors or disappears into the pocket dimension, it leaves behind in its area anything it was wearing or carrying.

Although they will remodel into beasts, a shifter cannot fully develop into a real lycanthrope. They can however shift to a hybrid state which enhances their bestial type. It all is determined by how their shifting occurs.There are four sorts. The bear disguise shifter is tied to a tricky animal like a bear. An extended-toothed shifter is tied to a predator like a tiger, or canine.