IGC Cuts Forecast For 2020 21 Global Corn Crop

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LONDON, Nov 26 (Reuters) - The International Grains Council (IGC) on Thursday cut its forecast for global corn (maize) production in the 2020/21 season, while doubling its projection for China's corn imports.

Nord Stream 2 will name the pipe-laying vessel it plans to use at a later date, it said in a statement Saturday.
It did not say when the work would be finished or how the other remaining sections of the pipeline would be laid.

"Overall, the focus of my organization -- and most of Facebook -- was on large-scale problems, an approach which fixated us on spam," Zhang reportedly wrote. "The civic aspect was discounted because of its small volume, its disproportionate impact ignored."

In its monthly update, the inter-governmental body reduced its global corn crop forecast by 10 million tonnes to 1.146 billion tonnes mainly due to diminished outlooks for crops in the United States, Ukraine and European Union.

That's according to an annual interactive map that shows where travellers are most likely to face security risks based on the threat of political violence, social unrest, violent and petty crimes and, this year, the 'impact of the pandemic'.

Dr Neil Nerwich, group medical director at International SOS, said: 'The Covid-19 pandemic has created a tripartite of crises, with public health, geopolitical and economic crises all impacting the workforce and business on a global scale.

Low-risk countries are marked in green, medium in yellow, high in orange, very high in red and those that have a 'variable' risk, such as Brazil and Russia, are marked in purple This map shows the places most likely to put your health at risk.

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BRUSSELS/BERLIN, Nov 30 (Reuters) - NATO must think harder about how to handle China and its military rise, though Russia will remain its main adversary during this decade, according to a report to be published on Tuesday on reforming the Atlantic alliance.

The 1,230 km pipeline under the Baltic Sea, which Moscow hopes will boost the amount of gas it can pump to Europe bypassing Ukraine, is nearly finished but a final stretch of about 120 km still needs to be laid.

Facebook reportedly ignored fake accounts being used to undermine elections via misinformation posted on the social media platform, according to a leaked memo. The 6,000-word memo, written by a former Facebook data scientist and seen by BuzzFeed News, said the site reacted slowly to evidence of coordinated campaigns to influence political results globally.

(Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin; Writing by Tom Balmforth; Editing by Christina Fincher) Nord Stream 2 is led by Russian gas giant Gazprom, with half of the funding provided by Germany's Uniper, BASF's Wintershall, Anglo-Dutch oil major Shell , Austria's OMV and Engie.

and tries to intimidate other countries," he told a news conference, urging allies to come together on the issue. China does not share our values ... "China is investing massively in new weapons. It is coming closer to us, from the Arctic to Africa.

The news of a potential ban comes as anti-China sentiment in India remains high following a deadly clash in June at a disputed border high up in the Himalayas that left at least 20 Indian soldiers dead. Russia was a vocal opponent of the reclassification, according to a ban on video-sharing app TikTok -- which has a Chinese parent company-- along with at least 58 other apps that originate from China.

However, Eastern European allies, fearful of Russia since Moscow's 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, are concerned about shifting too many resources away from NATO's core task of defending Europe.

She pointed to examples of coordinated campaigns being used to mislead people in the US, Honduras, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Ukraine, Spain, India, Bolivia and Ecuador in the reported memo. Facebook only began investigating the Azerbaijan incident a year after Zhang reported it, according to the report, and it took nine months for Facebook's leadership to act on a Honduran misinformation campaign.

The report "NATO 2030", prepared by a group of so-called 'wise persons' and containing 138 proposals, comes amid growing doubts about the purpose and relevance of an alliance branded last year by French President Emmanuel Macron as "brain dead".

The eastern European country of 3.5 million, where the West and Russia vie for influence, has been rocked in recent years by instability and corruption scandals, including the disappearance of $1 billion from the banking system.

It is the rising power of our century and NATO must adapt," said one NATO diplomat who has seen the report, pointing to Chinese activity in the Arctic and Africa and to its heavy investments in European infrastructure. "China is no longer the benign trading partner that the West had hoped for.

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