Tractor Porn Tory Neil Parish Today Admitted He Is no Angel And His Long-suffering Wife Chases Him Around The Kitchen With Scissors Threatening To snip Off His Genitals In An Excruciating TV Exclusive About His Demise

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Tractor porn Tory Neil Parish today admitted he is 'no angel' and his long-suffering wife chases him around the kitchen with scissors threatening to 'snip' off his genitals in an excruciating TV exclusive about his demise.
viewers said they were put off their breakfast by the bizarre interview with Lorraine where he also laid into after another 'Pestminster' sleaze scandal erupted.
Mr Parish admitted that he initially lied about being the MP who was caught watching tractor porn in the Commons, having confessed after an 'embarrassing' conversation with his wife Susan and their two children.
The Tory quit as the MP for Tiverton and Honiton after the scandal in April, with the taking the seat at a by-election last month - the first time in its history that it was not won by the . 
He said: 'She [his wife] knows I'm no angel, she chases me around the kitchen with scissors saying 'snipper snap' knowing full well what part of my anatomy she is after.

She knows what I'm like'.
Paying tribute to his wife, he said: 'She came up with me all the 12 years I was in Parliament. Helped me in the office, helped keep me on time. She's done so much with me so naturally on the morning I decided to resign it was her advice I took.

Our children, our son and our daughter, both gave very sound advice, and in the end do you twist and turn, bokep Korea do you tell lots of fibs, or go. And I decided to go'.
Farmer Mr Parish first said he accidentally viewed one X-rated video when browsing for tractors, before later doing so deliberately in the Commons chamber. 
Tractor porn watching Tory Neil Parish today admitted he is 'no angel' and his long-suffering wife chases him around the kitchen with scissors threatening to 'snip' off his genitals in an excruciating TV exclusive with Lorraine about his demise
Lorraine appeared shocked when she heard Mr Parish's explanation about him watching porn in the Commons
Susan Parish, pictured with her husband Neil Parish, said very few men can claim to have never watched pornography, although she admitted it should not be viewed in the House of Commons 
Mr Parish pictured with Mr Johnson before the scandal erupted and he quit as a MP

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